Reporting offensive or inappropriate content:
If you believe that the content hosted on the portals violates our terms of use, infringes your intellectual property rights, or is otherwise inappropriate, you can submit a content removal request. To submit a content removal request, please provide the following information:
- Your contact information, including name, email address, and phone number.
- A description of the content in question, including its location on the portal.
- A statement explaining how the content violates our terms of use or your rights.
- Evidence supporting your claim, such as proof of ownership or legal rights.
Submitting a takedown request:
Takedown requests can be sent to [email protected]_en. Upon receiving a valid takedown request, we will review the information provided and take appropriate action within 2-4 days. If the request is deemed valid and the content in question violates our terms of use or infringes intellectual property rights, we will take one or more of the following actions:
- Temporarily remove the content pending further investigation.
- Contact the author of the content to address the issue and offer a resolution.
- Permanently remove the content from the portal.